Revolutions To Radians Conversion
1 rev = 6.28318530685963 rad
Want to convert from radians to revolutions instead?
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How to convert revolutions to radians (rev to rad)
The formula for converting revolutions to radians is: rad = rev × 6.28318530685963. To calculate the revolution value in radians first substitute the revolution value into the preceding formula, and then perform the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 revolution in radians we follow these steps:
rad = rev × 6.28318530685963
rad = 1 × 6.28318530685963
rad = 6.28318530685963
In other words, 1 revolution is equal to 6.28318530685963 radians.
Example Conversion
Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 2 revolutions to radians is:
- Understand the conversion formula: rad = rev × 6.28318530685963
- Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 2 for rev so the formula becomes: rad = 2 × 6.28318530685963
- Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 2 × 6.28318530685963 = 12.56637061371926 rad
In summary, 2 revolutions is equal to 12.56637061371926 radians.
Converting radians to revolutions
In order to convert the other way around i.e. radians to revolutions, you would use the following formula: rev = rad × 0.1591549431. To convert radians to revolutions first substitute the radian value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 radian in revolutions we follow these steps:
rev = rad × 0.1591549431
rev = 1 × 0.1591549431
rev = 0.1591549431
Or in other words, 1 radian is equal to 0.1591549431 revolutions.
Conversion Unit Definitions
What is a Revolution?
What is a Radian?
Revolutions To Radians Conversion Table
Below is a lookup table showing common revolutions to radians conversion values.
Revolution (rev) | Radian (rad) |
1 rev | 6.28318530685963 rad |
2 rev | 12.56637061371926 rad |
3 rev | 18.84955592057889 rad |
4 rev | 25.13274122743852 rad |
5 rev | 31.41592653429815 rad |
6 rev | 37.69911184115778 rad |
7 rev | 43.98229714801741 rad |
8 rev | 50.26548245487704 rad |
9 rev | 56.54866776173667 rad |
10 rev | 62.8318530685963 rad |
11 rev | 69.11503837545593 rad |
12 rev | 75.39822368231556 rad |
13 rev | 81.68140898917519 rad |