Mega Electron Volts To Joules Conversion


1 MeV = 0.0000000000001602176487 J

Want to convert from joules to mega electron volts instead?

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How to convert mega electron volts to joules (MeV to J)

The formula for converting mega electron volts to joules is: J = MeV × 1.602176487e-13. To calculate the mega electron volt value in joules first substitute the mega electron volt value into the preceding formula, and then perform the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 mega electron volt in joules we follow these steps:

J = MeV × 1.602176487e-13

J = 1 × 1.602176487e-13

J = 0.0000000000001602176487

In other words, 1 mega electron volt is equal to 0.0000000000001602176487 joules.

Example Conversion

Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 7 mega electron volts to joules is:

  1. Understand the conversion formula: J = MeV × 1.602176487e-13
  2. Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 7 for MeV so the formula becomes: J = 7 × 1.602176487e-13
  3. Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 7 × 1.602176487e-13 = 1.1215235409e-12 J

In summary, 7 mega electron volts is equal to 1.1215235409e-12 joules.

Converting joules to mega electron volts

In order to convert the other way around i.e. joules to mega electron volts, you would use the following formula: MeV = J × 6241509074461. To convert joules to mega electron volts first substitute the joule value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 joule in mega electron volts we follow these steps:

MeV = J × 6241509074461

MeV = 1 × 6241509074461

MeV = 6241509074461

Or in other words, 1 joule is equal to 6241509074461 mega electron volts.

Conversion Unit Definitions

What is a Mega Electron Volt?

A mega electron volt (MeV) is a unit of energy used in particle physics, nuclear physics, and related fields. It is equal to one million electron volts (eV). Mega electron volts are often used to describe the energy of subatomic particles and electromagnetic radiation, particularly in high-energy physics experiments and medical applications.
Mathematically, 1 mega electron volt is equal to 1,000,000 electron volts or1×106 eV. MeV is a convenient unit for expressing the energies of particles and radiation at the atomic and subatomic scale. For example, the rest mass energy of a proton is approximately 938 MeV.
The prefix "mega-" signifies a factor of one million, so a mega electron volt represents a very large amount of energy compared to a single electron volt.

What is a Joule?

A joule (J) is the standard unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the amount of work done when a force of one newton is applied over a distance of one meter in the direction of the force. In other words, one joule is equal to the energy transferred when one watt of power is dissipated for one second.
Mathematically, 1 joule is equal to 1 N × 1 m, or 1 kg × m2/s2 in terms of mass, length, and time.
Joules are a versatile unit of measurement used not only in physics but also in various fields including engineering, chemistry, and biology to quantify energy, work, and heat. For example, it's commonly used to express the energy content of foods, the capacity of batteries, and the energy output of electronic devices.

Mega Electron Volts To Joules Conversion Table

Below is a lookup table showing common mega electron volts to joules conversion values.

Mega Electron Volt (MeV)Joules (J)
1 MeV1.602176487e-13 J
2 MeV3.204352974e-13 J
3 MeV4.806529461e-13 J
4 MeV6.408705948e-13 J
5 MeV8.010882435e-13 J
6 MeV9.613058922e-13 J
7 MeV1.1215235409e-12 J
8 MeV1.2817411896e-12 J
9 MeV1.4419588383e-12 J
10 MeV1.602176487e-12 J
11 MeV1.7623941357e-12 J
12 MeV1.9226117844e-12 J
13 MeV2.0828294331e-12 J

Other Common Mega Electron Volt Conversions

Below is a table of common conversions from mega electron volts to other energy units.

1 mega electron volt in kilo Btus0.00000000000000000015173993834468 kBtu

Mega Electron Volts To Joules Conversion Chart