Watts To Milliwatts Conversion


1 W = 1,000 mW

Want to convert from milliwatts to watts instead?

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How to convert watts to milliwatts (W to mW)

The formula for converting watts to milliwatts is: mW = W × 1000. To calculate the watt value in milliwatts first substitute the watt value into the preceding formula, and then perform the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 watt in milliwatts we follow these steps:

mW = W × 1000

m1 = W × 1000

mW = 1000

In other words, 1 watt is equal to 1000 milliwatts.

Example Conversion

Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 8 watts to milliwatts is:

  1. Understand the conversion formula: mW = W × 1000
  2. Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 8 for W so the formula becomes: m8 = W × 1000
  3. Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 8 × 1000 = 8000 mW

In summary, 8 watts is equal to 8000 milliwatts.

Converting milliwatts to watts

In order to convert the other way around i.e. milliwatts to watts, you would use the following formula: W = mW × 0.001. To convert milliwatts to watts first substitute the milliwatt value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 milliwatt in watts we follow these steps:

W = mW × 0.001

W = 1 × 0.001

W = 0.001

Or in other words, 1 milliwatt is equal to 0.001 watts.

Conversion Unit Definitions

What is a Watt?

A watt (W) is a unit of power that measures the rate at which energy is transferred, used, or produced. It represents the amount of energy consumed or generated per unit of time. Here's an example to help illustrate the concept of a watt:
Consider a light bulb with a power rating of 60 watts. This means that the light bulb consumes or emits energy at a rate of 60 joules per second. In simpler terms, it indicates that the light bulb uses 60 watts of power to produce light.
If you were to leave this light bulb turned on for one hour, it would consume a total of 60 watts multiplied by 3600 seconds (the number of seconds in an hour), which equals 216,000 joules or 216 kilojoules of energy. This demonstrates how power consumption, measured in watts, can be related to the total energy usage over a specific time period.
The watt is a fundamental unit of power in the International System of Units (SI) and is widely used in various applications. It provides a common basis for measuring and comparing the power ratings of electrical appliances, devices, machinery, and systems.
In practical terms, wattage is commonly seen on electrical appliances, such as laptops, refrigerators, air conditioners, and electric motors. It helps consumers understand the power requirements or capabilities of these devices and allows for efficient energy management and comparison between different options.
In summary, a watt is a unit of power that represents the rate at which energy is transferred or used. It is denoted by the symbol W. The example of a 60-watt light bulb demonstrates how wattage can be used to quantify power consumption or generation in various electrical devices or systems.

What is a Milliwatt?

A milliwatt (mW) is a unit of power that measures the rate at which energy is transferred or work is done. It is equal to one thousandth (1/1000) of a watt. To understand the concept of a milliwatt, let's consider an example:
Imagine you have a small flashlight that consumes 10 milliwatts of power. This means that the flashlight uses energy at a rate of 10 milliwatts to produce light. In other words, it requires 10 thousandths of a watt to operate.
To put this into perspective, if you were to use the flashlight continuously for one hour, it would consume 10 milliwatts (or 0.01 watts) of power per hour. This measurement is commonly used to describe the power consumption of small electronic devices, low-power LED lights, and other energy-efficient devices.
The milliwatt is particularly useful when dealing with low-power applications or when precise measurements of small amounts of power are required. It helps quantify power levels in a more manageable and granular manner.
In summary, a milliwatt is a unit of power that represents one thousandth of a watt. It is commonly used to measure low-power devices and is denoted by the symbol mW. The example of a flashlight consuming 10 milliwatts demonstrates how this unit is used to quantify power consumption or energy transfer in various electronic devices.

Watts To Milliwatts Conversion Table

Below is a lookup table showing common watts to milliwatts conversion values.

Watt (W)Milliwatt (mW)
1 W1000 mW
2 W2000 mW
3 W3000 mW
4 W4000 mW
5 W5000 mW
6 W6000 mW
7 W7000 mW
8 W8000 mW
9 W9000 mW
10 W10000 mW
11 W11000 mW
12 W12000 mW
13 W13000 mW

Watts To Milliwatts Conversion Chart