Fluid Ounces (US) To Milliliters Conversion
1 fl oz = 29.5735295641119 ml
Want to convert from milliliters to fluid ounces (US) instead?
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How to convert fluid ounces (US) to milliliters (fl oz to ml)
The formula for converting fluid ounces (US) to milliliters is: ml = fl oz × 29.5735295641119. To calculate the fluid ounce (US) value in milliliters first substitute the fluid ounce (US) value into the preceding formula, and then perform the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 fluid ounce (US) in milliliters we follow these steps:
ml = fl oz × 29.5735295641119
ml = 1 × 29.5735295641119
ml = 29.5735295641119
In other words, 1 fluid ounce (US) is equal to 29.5735295641119 milliliters.
Example Conversion
Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 4 fluid ounces (US) to milliliters is:
- Understand the conversion formula: ml = fl oz × 29.5735295641119
- Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 4 for fl oz so the formula becomes: ml = 4 × 29.5735295641119
- Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 4 × 29.5735295641119 = 118.2941182564476 ml
In summary, 4 fluid ounces (US) is equal to 118.2941182564476 milliliters.
Converting milliliters to fluid ounces (US)
In order to convert the other way around i.e. milliliters to fluid ounces (US), you would use the following formula: fl oz = ml × 0.0338140227. To convert milliliters to fluid ounces (US) first substitute the milliliter value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 milliliter in fluid ounces (US) we follow these steps:
fl oz = ml × 0.0338140227
fl oz = 1 × 0.0338140227
fl oz = 0.0338140227
Or in other words, 1 milliliter is equal to 0.0338140227 fluid ounces (US).
Conversion Unit Definitions
What is a Fluid Ounce (US)?
Beverage Serving Sizes: In the United States, fluid ounces are commonly used to indicate serving sizes for beverages such as water, soda, juice, and alcohol. For example, a standard can of soda typically contains 12 fluid ounces, while a bottle of water may have 16.9 fluid ounces.
Cooking and Baking: Fluid ounces are often used in recipes, especially in the United States, to measure ingredients like water, milk, oil, or other liquids. Many measuring cups and spoons include markings for fluid ounces to assist in accurate measurement.
Personal Care Products: Fluid ounces are used on packaging for personal care products like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotions, and other cosmetics. These measurements help consumers understand the volume or quantity of the product they are purchasing.
Medications and Pharmaceuticals: Fluid ounces are sometimes used to measure liquid medications, cough syrups, or other pharmaceutical products. The instructions on the packaging often indicate dosages in fluid ounces or milliliters.
Bartending: In the context of bartending and mixology, fluid ounces are used to measure and mix various ingredients in cocktails and other beverages. Bartenders often use jiggers or measuring tools to precisely pour specific amounts of liquid in fluid ounces.
What is a Milliliter?
Fluid Ounces (US) To Milliliters Conversion Table
Below is a lookup table showing common fluid ounces (US) to milliliters conversion values.
Fluid Ounces (fl Oz) (US) | Milliliter (ml) |
1 fl oz | 29.5735295641119 ml |
2 fl oz | 59.1470591282238 ml |
3 fl oz | 88.7205886923357 ml |
4 fl oz | 118.2941182564476 ml |
5 fl oz | 147.8676478205595 ml |
6 fl oz | 177.4411773846714 ml |
7 fl oz | 207.0147069487833 ml |
8 fl oz | 236.5882365128952 ml |
9 fl oz | 266.1617660770071 ml |
10 fl oz | 295.735295641119 ml |
11 fl oz | 325.3088252052309 ml |
12 fl oz | 354.8823547693428 ml |
13 fl oz | 384.4558843334547 ml |
Other Common Fluid Ounce (US) Conversions
Below is a table of common conversions from fluid ounces (US) to other volume units.
Conversion | Result |
1 fluid ounce (US) in liters | 0.0295735295623627 l |