Milliliters To Fluid Ounces (UK) Conversion


1 ml = 0.0351950797 fl oz

Want to convert from fluid ounces (UK) to milliliters instead?

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How to convert milliliters to fluid ounces (UK) (ml to fl oz)

The formula for converting milliliters to fluid ounces (UK) is: fl oz = ml × 0.0351950797. To calculate the milliliter value in fluid ounces (UK) first substitute the milliliter value into the preceding formula, and then perform the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 milliliter in fluid ounces (UK) we follow these steps:

fl oz = ml × 0.0351950797

fl oz = 1 × 0.0351950797

fl oz = 0.0351950797

In other words, 1 milliliter is equal to 0.0351950797 fluid ounces (UK).

Example Conversion

Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 8 milliliters to fluid ounces (UK) is:

  1. Understand the conversion formula: fl oz = ml × 0.0351950797
  2. Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 8 for ml so the formula becomes: fl oz = 8 × 0.0351950797
  3. Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 8 × 0.0351950797 = 0.2815606376 fl oz

In summary, 8 milliliters is equal to 0.2815606376 fluid ounces (UK).

Converting fluid ounces (UK) to milliliters

In order to convert the other way around i.e. fluid ounces (UK) to milliliters, you would use the following formula: ml = fl oz × 28.4130625224866. To convert fluid ounces (UK) to milliliters first substitute the fluid ounce (UK) value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 fluid ounce (UK) in milliliters we follow these steps:

ml = fl oz × 28.4130625224866

ml = 1 × 28.4130625224866

ml = 28.4130625224866

Or in other words, 1 fluid ounce (UK) is equal to 28.4130625224866 milliliters.

Conversion Unit Definitions

What is a Milliliter?

A milliliter (abbreviated as mL) is a metric unit of volume commonly used to measure small quantities of liquid. It is a subunit of the liter, which is the base unit of volume in the metric system. The milliliter is equivalent to one thousandth of a liter, which means there are 1,000 milliliters in a liter.
To visualize the size of a milliliter, imagine a cube with sides measuring 1 centimeter each. A milliliter would occupy the same volume as this cube.
The milliliter is widely used in various fields such as medicine, chemistry, cooking, and everyday measurements. It provides a convenient and precise measurement for small quantities of liquids, such as medications, ingredients in recipes, or volumes of solutions in laboratory experiments.
In summary, a milliliter is a metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter. It is frequently used to measure small volumes of liquid and is denoted by the symbol mL.
Here's an example to help illustrate the size of a milliliter:
Let's say you have a small medicine dropper that has a capacity of 5 milliliters. When you fill the dropper with liquid, it can hold 5 milliliters of the substance.
To put this into perspective, imagine you have a teaspoon in your kitchen. A teaspoon is roughly equivalent to 5 milliliters. So, if you were to fill the medicine dropper to its maximum capacity, it would hold approximately the same volume of liquid as one teaspoon.
This example demonstrates how a milliliter can represent a small but measurable amount of liquid. It is a useful unit of measurement when precision is required for small volumes, such as in pharmaceuticals, cooking recipes, or laboratory experiments.

What is a Fluid Ounce (UK)?


The UK Fluid Ounce, often abbreviated as "fl oz" is a well-established unit of volume measurement within the British liquid measurement system. Primarily used in the United Kingdom and countries influenced by British traditions, the UK fluid ounce holds a significant place in culinary practices, bartending, and everyday liquid measurements. This comprehensive definition explores the historical background, conversion factors, and cultural importance of the UK fluid ounce, shedding light on its enduring relevance as a measure of volume in British liquid measurement.

Historical Background

The UK Fluid Ounce originated from the British Imperial system, which evolved from historical English units of measurement. The system was officially adopted in the United Kingdom in the 19th century to standardize volume measurements across various industries. The UK Fluid Ounce was defined as 28.41 milliliters (ml), slightly larger than the US Fluid Ounce.
The adoption of the UK Fluid Ounce was integral to British culinary traditions, including baking, cooking, and mixology. It became a fundamental unit of measurement for both household and professional use, ingrained in everyday liquid measuring practices.

Conversion Factors

The UK Fluid Ounce serves as a basis for conversions within the British liquid measurement system, allowing for seamless transitions between different volume units.
When converting the UK Fluid Ounce to other units within the British system, several commonly used equivalences apply. One UK Fluid Ounce is equivalent to 28.41 milliliters (ml), 2 UK tablespoons (tbsp), or 6 UK teaspoons (tsp). Conversely, it is also equal to 0.0284 liters (L), 0.056 pint (pt), or 0.0352 US Fluid Ounces.

Cultural Significance

The UK Fluid Ounce carries significant cultural importance within British culinary and beverage traditions. It represents a long-standing tradition and expertise in liquid measurements, allowing for precise and consistent results in various applications.
In British cooking, the UK Fluid Ounce is often utilized in recipes, particularly for liquids, sauces, and dressings. It provides a reliable measure, ensuring accurate proportions and flavors in traditional British dishes. Additionally, mixologists in the UK utilize the UK Fluid Ounce as a standard unit of measurement in crafting cocktails, contributing to the creation of iconic British drinks.
Beyond its culinary applications, the UK Fluid Ounce holds cultural significance in everyday life. From pouring milk into a cup of tea to measuring liquids for personal care products, the UK Fluid Ounce is deeply embedded in British liquid measuring practices. Its familiarity and widespread use in diverse contexts create a sense of continuity and tradition within British culture.
Furthermore, the UK Fluid Ounce plays a role in international trade and commerce. The familiarity with this unit of measurement allows for seamless communication and transactions with countries that still employ the British system or have been historically influenced by British measurement practices.


The UK Fluid Ounce, as a unit of volume measurement within the British liquid measurement system, carries cultural and practical significance in British culinary traditions and everyday life. Rooted in historical developments, the UK Fluid Ounce offers a reliable and standardized measure for liquids in various applications. From cooking to mixology, its conversions and associations have become ingrained in British liquid measuring practices, representing a rich culinary heritage and contributing to a sense of tradition within British culture.

Milliliters To Fluid Ounces (UK) Conversion Table

Below is a lookup table showing common milliliters to fluid ounces (UK) conversion values.

Milliliter (ml)Fluid Ounce (fl Oz) (UK)
1 ml0.0351950797 fl oz
2 ml0.0703901594 fl oz
3 ml0.1055852391 fl oz
4 ml0.1407803188 fl oz
5 ml0.1759753985 fl oz
6 ml0.2111704782 fl oz
7 ml0.2463655579 fl oz
8 ml0.2815606376 fl oz
9 ml0.3167557173 fl oz
10 ml0.351950797 fl oz
11 ml0.3871458767 fl oz
12 ml0.4223409564 fl oz
13 ml0.4575360361 fl oz

Other Common Milliliter Conversions

Below is a table of common conversions from milliliters to other volume units.

1 milliliter in liters0.001 l
1 milliliter in gallons (US)0.0002641721 gal
1 milliliter in fluid ounces (US)0.0338140227 fl oz
1 milliliter in quarts (US)0.0010566882 qt

Milliliters To Fluid Ounces (UK) Conversion Chart