Stone To Kilograms Conversion


1 st = 6.35029318 kg

Want to convert from kilograms to stone instead?

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How to convert stone to kilograms (st to kg)

To convert kilograms to stone (kg to st), you can divide the number of kilograms by 6.35. This is the conversion factor for kilograms to stone and it is derived from the fact that there are 6.35 kilograms in one stone. Here is the formula for calculating stone in kilograms:Number of kilograms = number of stone × 6.35029318

Example Conversion

Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 6 stone to kilograms is:

  1. Understand the conversion formula: kg = st × 6.35029318
  2. Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 6 for st so the formula becomes: kg = 6 × 6.35029318
  3. Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 6 × 6.35029318 = 38.10175908 kg

In summary, 6 stone is equal to 38.10175908 kilograms.

Converting kilograms to stone

In order to convert the other way around i.e. kilograms to stone, you would use the following formula: st = kg × 0.157473. To convert kilograms to stone first substitute the kilogram value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 kilogram in stone we follow these steps:

st = kg × 0.157473

st = 1 × 0.157473

st = 0.157473

Or in other words, 1 kilogram is equal to 0.157473 stone.

Conversion Unit Definitions

What is a Stone?

The stone, symbolized as "st", is a unit of weight commonly used in some countries, particularly in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is primarily used as a measure of body weight, as well as for measuring the weight of certain commodities.
Here are some more details about the stone as a measure of weight:
  1. Weight Measurement: The stone is used to measure weight. One stone is equal to 14 pounds or approximately 6.35 kilograms. It is a larger unit of weight compared to pounds and kilograms.

  2. Common Usage: The stone is primarily used in the United Kingdom and Ireland, where it is commonly used for personal weight measurement and in some industries for the sale of bulk goods. It is often used in casual conversation, particularly when referring to a person's body weight.

  3. Symbol: The symbol for stone is "st". For example, a weight measurement of 10 stone would be written as 10 st.

  4. Subdivisions: While the stone is commonly used on its own, it can be further divided into smaller units. The most common subdivision of a stone is the pound. One stone is equal to 14 pounds, and each pound is further subdivided into ounces.

  5. Conversion: The stone can be converted to other units of weight. For example, one stone is equal to approximately 6.35 kilograms or 224 ounces. Conversely, one kilogram is approximately 0.1575 stones.

  6. International Usage: The stone is primarily used in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is not as widely adopted internationally, as most countries have transitioned to the metric system, where kilograms and grams are the standard units of weight measurement.

  7. Informal Use: It's important to note that the stone is often used in casual conversation, particularly in the United Kingdom, as a way to discuss personal weight. However, in formal settings and in scientific or technical contexts, the kilogram or gram is generally used.

What is a Kilogram?

The kilogram, symbolized as "kg," is the primary unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). It is widely used around the world as a standard unit for measuring mass. The kilogram is defined based on a fundamental physical constant and is recognized as the base unit for mass in scientific and everyday contexts.
Here are some more details about the kilogram:
  1. Mass Measurement: The kilogram is used to measure mass, which is the amount of matter in an object. It is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) and is considered one of the seven fundamental SI units.

  2. International System of Units (SI): The kilogram is part of the metric system and is used globally as a standard unit of mass measurement. The metric system provides a decimal-based system of measurement, facilitating easy conversion between different metric units.

  3. Definition: Until recently, the kilogram was defined by a physical artifact known as the International Prototype of the Kilogram (IPK), a platinum-iridium cylinder kept in France. However, in 2019, the kilogram was redefined based on a fundamental constant of nature known as the Planck constant. This new definition ensures the stability and reproducibility of the kilogram.

  4. Conversion: The kilogram can be easily converted to other metric units. For example, one kilogram is equal to 1,000 grams or 1,000,000 milligrams. Conversely, one gram is equal to 0.001 kilograms, and one milligram is equal to 0.001 grams or 0.000001 kilograms.

  5. Symbol: The symbol for kilogram is "kg." For example, a mass measurement of 2.5 kilograms would be written as 2.5 kg.

  6. Common Uses: The kilogram is widely used in scientific research, engineering, industry, commerce, and everyday life for measuring mass. It is used in fields such as physics, chemistry, manufacturing, agriculture, and healthcare, among others.

  7. International Usage: The kilogram is the standard unit of mass measurement in most countries globally, as it is part of the International System of Units (SI). Its usage promotes consistency, compatibility, and ease of communication across different regions and scientific disciplines.

Stone To Kilograms Conversion Table

Below is a lookup table showing common stone to kilograms conversion values.

Stone (st)Kilogram (kg)
1 st6.35029318 kg
2 st12.70058636 kg
3 st19.05087954 kg
4 st25.40117272 kg
5 st31.7514659 kg
6 st38.10175908 kg
7 st44.45205226 kg
8 st50.80234544 kg
9 st57.15263862 kg
10 st63.5029318 kg
11 st69.85322498 kg
12 st76.20351816 kg
13 st82.55381134 kg

Other Common Stone Conversions

Below is a table of common conversions from stone to other weight units.

1 stone in pounds14 lb
1 stone in grams6350.29318 g

Stone To Kilograms Conversion Chart