Feet Per Hour To Knots Conversion


1 ft/h = 0.0001645788 kn, kt

Want to convert from knots to feet per hour instead?

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How to convert feet per hour to knots (ft/h to kn, kt)

The formula for converting feet per hour to knots is: kn, kt = ft/h × 0.0001645788. To calculate the foot per hour value in knots first substitute the foot per hour value into the preceding formula, and then perform the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 foot per hour in knots we follow these steps:

kn, kt = ft/h × 0.0001645788

kn, kt = 1 × 0.0001645788

kn, kt = 0.0001645788

In other words, 1 foot per hour is equal to 0.0001645788 knots.

Example Conversion

Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 6 feet per hour to knots is:

  1. Understand the conversion formula: kn, kt = ft/h × 0.0001645788
  2. Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 6 for ft/h so the formula becomes: kn, kt = 6 × 0.0001645788
  3. Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 6 × 0.0001645788 = 0.0009874728 kn, kt

In summary, 6 feet per hour is equal to 0.0009874728 knots.

Converting knots to feet per hour

In order to convert the other way around i.e. knots to feet per hour, you would use the following formula: ft/h = kn, kt × 6076.11672949371. To convert knots to feet per hour first substitute the knot (std) value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 knot (std) in feet per hour we follow these steps:

ft/h = kn, kt × 6076.11672949371

ft/h = 1 × 6076.11672949371

ft/h = 6076.11672949371

Or in other words, 1 knot (std) is equal to 6076.11672949371 feet per hour.

Conversion Unit Definitions

What is a Foot Per Hour?

Feet per hour (ft/hr) is a unit of linear velocity measurement. It represents the rate at which an object or particle travels a distance of one foot in one hour. Feet per hour is used to quantify extremely slow speeds or rates of movement over extended time intervals.
To provide a detailed example of feet per hour, let's consider a scenario where a glacier is slowly advancing. If the glacier moves forward by a distance of 10 feet in one hour, then its velocity would be 10 ft/hr. This means that the glacier is advancing at a rate of 10 feet per hour.
Feet per hour is typically used in situations where very slow or gradual movements are involved, such as geological processes, long-term measurements, or specialized applications.
In geological studies or land surveying, feet per hour can be relevant for monitoring the movement of tectonic plates, the slow creep of landslides, or the gradual shifting of geological features. It allows for the measurement and observation of these processes over extended time periods.
Feet per hour can also find applications in specialized fields, such as precision engineering or scientific research. In experiments that require extremely slow and controlled movements, such as the positioning of sensitive instruments or delicate components, feet per hour can be used to describe the desired velocity.
It's important to note that feet per hour can be converted to other units of velocity. For example, 1 ft/hr is approximately equal to 0.0000847 feet per second (ft/s) or 0.0001263 miles per hour (mph).
In summary, feet per hour (ft/hr) is a unit of linear velocity measurement, representing the rate at which an object or particle travels a distance of one foot in one hour. It is used to quantify extremely slow speeds or rates of movement over extended time intervals. Feet per hour can be relevant in geological studies, precision engineering, or other specialized applications where very gradual movements need to be measured or observed.

What is a Knot (std)?

A knot is a unit of speed typically used in maritime and aviation contexts. It represents one nautical mile per hour, where a nautical mile is defined as one minute of latitude on a navigational chart. Knots are commonly used to measure the speed of ships, boats, and aircraft.
To provide a detailed example of knots, let's consider a sailboat traveling in the ocean. If the sailboat covers a distance of 10 nautical miles in one hour, then its velocity would be 10 knots. This means that the sailboat is moving at a speed of 10 knots.
Knots are especially important in navigation and maritime operations. They allow sailors and ship navigators to measure the speed of a vessel relative to the water it is traveling in. Since nautical miles are based on the Earth's latitude, knots provide a consistent and reliable measurement of speed regardless of location.
In aviation, knots are also commonly used to measure the speed of aircraft. Airspeed indicators in airplanes often display the speed in knots. This information helps pilots assess the performance of the aircraft, maintain safe speeds, and communicate with air traffic control.
It's worth noting that knots can be converted to other units of speed. One knot is equal to approximately 1.15078 statute miles per hour (mph) or 1.852 kilometers per hour (km/h).
In summary, a knot is a unit of speed that represents one nautical mile per hour. It is widely used in maritime and aviation contexts to measure the speed of ships, boats, and aircraft. Knots provide a consistent and standardized measurement of speed relative to nautical miles and play a crucial role in navigation, safety, and communication in these domains.

Feet Per Hour To Knots Conversion Table

Below is a lookup table showing common feet per hour to knots conversion values.

Foot Per Hour (ft/h)Knot (kn, Kt)
1 ft/h0.0001645788 kn, kt
2 ft/h0.0003291576 kn, kt
3 ft/h0.0004937364 kn, kt
4 ft/h0.0006583152 kn, kt
5 ft/h0.000822894 kn, kt
6 ft/h0.0009874728 kn, kt
7 ft/h0.0011520516 kn, kt
8 ft/h0.0013166304 kn, kt
9 ft/h0.0014812092 kn, kt
10 ft/h0.001645788 kn, kt
11 ft/h0.0018103668 kn, kt
12 ft/h0.0019749456 kn, kt
13 ft/h0.0021395244 kn, kt

Feet Per Hour To Knots Conversion Chart