Knots To Feet Per Hour Conversion
1 kn, kt = 6,076.11672949371 ft/h
Want to convert from feet per hour to knots instead?
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How to convert knots to feet per hour (kn, kt to ft/h)
The formula for converting knots to feet per hour is: ft/h = kn, kt × 6076.11672949371. To calculate the knot (std) value in feet per hour first substitute the knot (std) value into the preceding formula, and then perform the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 knot (std) in feet per hour we follow these steps:
ft/h = kn, kt × 6076.11672949371
ft/h = 1 × 6076.11672949371
ft/h = 6076.11672949371
In other words, 1 knot (std) is equal to 6076.11672949371 feet per hour.
Example Conversion
Let's take a look at an example. The step-by-step process to convert 9 knots to feet per hour is:
- Understand the conversion formula: ft/h = kn, kt × 6076.11672949371
- Substitute the required value. In this case we substitute 9 for kn, kt so the formula becomes: ft/h = 9 × 6076.11672949371
- Calculate the result using the provided values. In our example the result is: 9 × 6076.11672949371 = 54685.05056544339 ft/h
In summary, 9 knots is equal to 54685.05056544339 feet per hour.
Converting feet per hour to knots
In order to convert the other way around i.e. feet per hour to knots, you would use the following formula: kn, kt = ft/h × 0.0001645788. To convert feet per hour to knots first substitute the foot per hour value into the above formula, and then execute the calculation. If we wanted to calculate 1 foot per hour in knots we follow these steps:
kn, kt = ft/h × 0.0001645788
kn, kt = 1 × 0.0001645788
kn, kt = 0.0001645788
Or in other words, 1 foot per hour is equal to 0.0001645788 knots.
Conversion Unit Definitions
What is a Knot (std)?
What is a Foot Per Hour?
Knots To Feet Per Hour Conversion Table
Below is a lookup table showing common knots to feet per hour conversion values.
Knot (kn, Kt) | Foot Per Hour (ft/h) |
1 kn, kt | 6076.11672949371 ft/h |
2 kn, kt | 12152.23345898742 ft/h |
3 kn, kt | 18228.35018848113 ft/h |
4 kn, kt | 24304.46691797484 ft/h |
5 kn, kt | 30380.58364746855 ft/h |
6 kn, kt | 36456.70037696226 ft/h |
7 kn, kt | 42532.81710645597 ft/h |
8 kn, kt | 48608.93383594968 ft/h |
9 kn, kt | 54685.05056544339 ft/h |
10 kn, kt | 60761.1672949371 ft/h |
11 kn, kt | 66837.28402443081 ft/h |
12 kn, kt | 72913.40075392452 ft/h |
13 kn, kt | 78989.51748341823 ft/h |